Where are you celebrating St. Patrick's Day ?
Perhaps in one of the finest and most authentic Irish pubs in the world?
Last week I was driving to Bolzano when I heard on the radio that the "Irish Pubs Global Authenticity Award 2015" was assigned to an Irish Pub in... Bolzano !
I couldn't believe it, a little town in the north of Italy, in the middle of the mountains has the most authentic Irish Pub of the world ! (outside Ireland)? In fact, see the Award above !

Temple Bar Genuine Irish Pub in Bolzano is managed by
Steve and
Tanya. Last Friday I visited the pub with the purpose to take a few pictures of it and of its owners for the today's post. Unfortunately one of the owners, Steve, was not there
and Tanya was a bit camera shy, she does not want to be photographed without Steve, she said, but she promised to send me a photo of her and Steve...
And here it is !
(Photo credit: courtesy of Steve and Tanya)
Steve and Tanya are both from Dublin, Tanya first came to Bolzano 15 years ago for holidays, Steve first came to Bolzano 19 years ago working here for 2 years. They choose Bolzano because it always felt like home, they always had a wonderful circle of friends here, and the lifestyle is beautiful, and as for the Dolomites they think they speak for themselves. The photo was taken for the 5th birthday party of the pub, the cake was a gift from the customers and friends of the bar.

The outside of the Temple Bar Genuine Irish Pub in Bolzano / Bozen on the Dominikaner Platz / Piazza Domenicani, in the centre of the town.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all !
If you can't participate actively, visit the Temple Bar Genuine Irish Pub Facebook page