If I had to leave forever my city/province I would miss most my mountains,
my friends and my mother's language.
As a Bonus a Poem of my friend Roland Verra in Ladin language
(my mother's language)
Ala fin dl viac
te tieres dalonc
che duc va a crì
me sënti sota l ciarijé
y scoti su
la gotes pesoces
tuman tla veja
che les dlot...
L ncësa ie ulache
n uel redierjer
da uni marueia...
(Roland Verra)
At the end of the voyage
in faraway countries
all are craving for
I sit down
under the cherry-tree
and listen
to the heavy drops
falling on the grass
and drowning there...
Your home is where
you want to return to
from any marvel...
here to view thumbnails for all participants.