One of the last shingle roofs in
Sacun / St. Jakob / S. Giacomo
Gardena Valley
Sacun / St. Jakob / S. Giacomo
Gardena Valley
Karl Demetz's © Photo Blog
Photos of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Bozen-Bulsan, South Tyrol / Italy.
Online Since June 1, 2010 with more than 8,000 images
Wood shingles are so rustic. How do they last so long, I wonder.
Steinziegel sieht man häufig im Gebirge, Holz dagegen sehr selten. Hübscher kleiner Brocken im Hintergrund!
Liebe Grüsse aus aus Australien.
I guess it is not easy to find who can fix a roof like this one!
What a view they have!
I like the contrast in materials - the roof, the stone chimney, the rusty metal, the green grass and that rocky mountain! Very nice.
Sharon and Lowell wrote what I was going to write. It is a remarkable place, and the various textures are amazing.
Gosh Karl, the shingle roof is pretty special but the backdrop is spectacular :)
Brilliant composition! Great job, Karl.
I was so taken with the roof I forgot to look closely at that mountain. Quite spectacular!
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